Thursday, January 31, 2008

Already February?

I can't believe it's been two months since my last blog post. Nothing new to report other than time is flying by - but that's nothing new. Today I had to register Hannah for preschool for next year. I can't believe that both kids will be in school this Fall. Alex is already talking about kindergarten, the school bus, and SACC (child care at the elementary school not at a daycare). And Hannah thinks that she should be at Knollwood (preschool) NOW. At least we still have a few more months to jam in "little kid" activities. Hannah and I are going to see Mr. Skip tomorrow morning and all of us are going to the family pool at the gym this afternoon. I'm trying to do lots of "little kid" stuff with them now because they'll be off to college before too long. Although, I am looking forward to bigger kid stuff... I can't wait to say goodbye to Hannah's diapers and cheering for Alex at his soccer games this Spring. "Goodbye Diapers!" and "Way to Go, Alex!" -- just getting some practice in.