Cipro? Check
Holly Leaf Cookies? Check
Passport? Check
OK so Jeff is off to Indonesia until the 21st. We were able to squeeze in our Ch

So we ventured out for our yearly Santa visit but where's Hannah? Too bad the picture doesn't have sound because then you'd hear the high pitch screaming of my daughter. She wanted nothing to do with going in the vicinity of Santa this year. I couldn't even get her to sit on my lap next to Santa. So after standing in line for an hour and shelling out $35 here's our 2008 Santa picture. Alex was a champ and told Santa that his crying little sister wants a Barbie and Baby doll.

So the saga continues. What are we doing while Jeff is away? Alex has a birthday party to attend; both kids have their Christmas Program on the same day and time in separate schools (I haven't figured out how to clone myself yet but I'm still working on it); I need to get my Christmas cards written; I need to get teacher gifts; boxes of outdoor lights are still sitting on my kitchen floor; I haven't baked the first Christmas cookie (unless you call melting marshmallows for Holly Leaves baking); oh, and the doll house that I'm building for Hannah is still in 100 pieces at least it's painted and wallpapered. I'm not sure when I'll be able to go to work, eat or sleep but it's the Christmas season - I'll sleep next year.
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