Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mother's Day Tea

We started celebrating Mother's Day early this year with a Mother's Day tea hosted by Alex's Knollwood Preschool class. The kids made aprons and cards, sang to the moms and grandmoms, and served us tea and goodies. The kids each wrote the following "book"

Things I Know About My Mom

By: Alex W.

How old is your Mom? 27

What is your Mom's favorite color? pink

What is your Mom's favorite food? green beans

What is your Mom's favorite thing to do? play on the computer

What does your Mom do when you are not at school? she goes to work

What do you love best about your Mom? she is a good cook

Why did God make Moms? because He is good

Well I know God is good too because He gave me two wonderful children to be their mommy and I LOVE it!