Thursday, September 18, 2008

School Days

Alex has been a kindergartner for almost two weeks now and absolutely loves it. His first day was very exciting because he got to ride the bus with his neighborhood friends and choose his lunch from the cafeteria all by himself. Alex seems to enjoy all aspects of school. Although, I think recess and gym class are his favorites. Surprisingly, he even loves going to the school library and checking out new books. His class has already celebrated Constitution Day, had a Teddy Bear Picnic, and are preparing for a Hoedown. I can't wait to see all of the fun things that kindergarten has in store for him this year.

Hannah also started school - Knollwood Preschool. She absolutely loves it, too. I have her enrolled in the Lunch Bunch program just so see can stay a bit longer with her new friends and teacher, Mrs. Prihalla. Hannah has her school pictures tomorrow and can't wait to wear her flower dress and ribbons in her hair. I'm sure Knollwood will be a great experience for Hannah just as it was for Alex.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Happy 3rd Birthday, Hannah-Girl

We officially do not have any babies living in our house. Hannah is now a big 3 year old. She celebrated her birthday with lots of gifts, balloons, ice cream and cake. And she sure did rake in the (pink) gifts. I bought an unfinished set of table and chairs and my mom turned it into a princess masterpiece. Hannah actually squealed with delight when she saw her princess chairs. She loves having tea parties with her new bunny tea set and princess chairs. Hannah also got a princess canopy for her bed, lots of pink clothes, plastic jewelry beads, and a pink keyboard. She had a pretty pink 3rd Birthday. The best part of Hannah's 3rd birthday (at least for me) is that we have said goodbye to the pull-ups!! So, no more babies - only school going children live here.
I'll save the school stuff for another blog.