Thursday, June 14, 2007

“I’ve Gotta Save the World”

Lately, Alex has been fascinated with Batman. I don’t know where this came from since he hasn’t seen the movie or read any Batman books. He still loves Spiderman but now he pretends to be Batman. When we come home from school he races up to his room to get his Batman cape (which is an old cloth diaper) and asks me to tie it on him. The other day after getting his Batman suit on, day he announced “I’ve gotta go save the world.” The next thing I saw was “Batman’s” cape fluttering in the breeze as Alex hurried off on his scooter to save the world. Once I caught up with him he told me that he saw the Joker and punched him so that the world is now saved. I feel a little bit safer knowing that the world is being saved by my little Batman.

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