Friday, April 3, 2009

Six!! Already??

Alex has reached a milestone in his very young age. He now has to use two hands to show how old he is. Alex had a fantastic birthday! He had a boy's only Bolt Birthday party at the bowling alley (FYI: MUCH easier than doing it at home like we did last year), he had a special birthday lunch with daddy at Red Robin (can't beat those root beer floats), and best of all he now has two new pets - Lazer 1 and Lazer 2 (dwarf hamsters). Alex also chose a new bigger bicycle and is now asking daddy to take the training wheels off only after 3 weeks of having it. I can't believe that six years have already flown by. Alex has filled these past six years with joy and laughter and I can't imagine life any other way. Happy Birthday, Dude!!

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